What’s new on the DVC resale market for Week May 20th? Look no further than our complete list below.
We, Vacation Club Loans, already work with the best skilled and most reputable resale brokers in the industry so instead of you hopping from website to website looking for a special points package, we will do all the work for you! The list below reveals all 90 new listings over the past few days in the DVC resale industry for sale through our preferred resale brokers.
*We do not sell DVC * We do not get paid for listing these * This is just a service we wanted to give you. If you have a favorite resale broker and do not see them on our list, let us know and we will ask them if we can add them.
This is our first week so this list will keep getting better and better with more details, photos, and valuable links (as soon as I learn how to do it LOL). Please note since this information was provided to us by varies third parties, we are not responsible for its accuracy.
For more information contact the resale broker directly. See how affordable with Low Monthly Payments too!
– created by Debbie
contributions by Fidelity Resales, DVC Resale Market, The DVC Store, Resales DVC, and DVC Sales. All of our resale brokers have been vetted and we have worked with them for years doing hundreds of DVC closings quickly and easily.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.vacationclubloans.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Listings-May-20th.xlsx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]
[embeddoc url=”https://www.vacationclubloans.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/New-Listings-052019.pdf” download=”all”]