If you are in the market for a vacation club or timeshare purchase, obtaining a personal loan from a lender specializing in the vacation club industry is a great alternative to on-site financing.

Reason being, most consumers utilize the convenience of making a vacation ownership purchase while on vacation and during the on-site presentation, and usually not paying cash on the spot, will sign for a loan directly with the sales person. However, savvy buyers realize that arranging for a loan pre-approval for a vacation ownership purchase BEFORE their next destination vacation will save them a significant amount of money (and time). The typical sales team works with an approved lender, charging consumers rates in the 15% to 19% APR range.  On the other hand, rates from an outside lender specializing in alternative financing will be substantially less and saving 3% APR or more per year equals a lot more cash saved in your pocket!

If you line up financing ahead of time, you will avoid those high rates and be able to buy the vacation club or timeshare week of your dreams, either directly from the resort or on the competitively priced and affordable resale market.  Your savings will really add up over the life of the loan buying resale!  Resale financing is still limited so use a lender specializing in personal loans for the vacation club industry and get your financing pre-approved first.